The Douceraine (B21)
Walking hike
The Douceraine (B21)

The Douceraine (B21)

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Discover the various alpine mountain layers thanks to the crossing of forests and pastures but also the great panoramas of surrounding peaks.


Begin the hike at Doucy ski station and descend a small path which opens up into a prairie, towards Doucy village. Take the paved road through the hamlet and walk along the Saint André baroque church, classified historic monument.

The hike then leads to the Morel forest before leading to the impressive imbedded torrent which carries the same name. Take the bridge which crosses the river and hike up the other side of the small valley to discover the recently renovated Old Watermill.

Then, take another bridge over the Morel to walk up a farmer’s track which leads to the end of the forest and to Villaret. Take the road through this typical Savoyard village until arriving at a large path through lovely prairies. From then on, it’s a straight road until arriving back to Doucy ski station.

Departure : Doucy ski station, tourist office
Arrival : Doucy ski station, tourist office
Towns crossed : LA LECHERE, SAINT-OYEN

Altimetric profile


Not recommended on very rainy, or stormy, days.

Information desks

Bourg Morel, 73260 Valmorel

04 79 09 85 55

Find out more

Access and parking

From Albertville, RN90 (exit 37), RD97 (through La Léchère), then RD94 until Doucy ski Station.

From Moûtiers, RN90 (exit 38), RD92 (through Aigueblanche), then RD94 until Doucy ski Station.

Parking :

Doucy ski station, tourist office


Emergency number :114

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